Labels:bulletin board | daily | fence | reckoner | sky OCR: wpassage IETECTS in thediaphragna sellamay rasellar of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the su nay also cistern into the sella turcica although pituitary result frorm infarction or irradiation of8 sella and tumour The conditior is terned empt tiation is usually an incidental finding. Differer on the frorm an. intra Or suprasellar cyst is baser tending nornal location of thhe irfnd lum, riorly frorm the tuber cinereum to a small post linical displaced pituitary gland (Fig 24.6). The been condition of 'empty sella sndrome has sella with applied to the combination of empty endocrinethe constellation of symptoms headach dysfunction, and visual disturbances. Fig 24.6 Empty sella Sagittal T1 weighte ge 'empty post- -contrast MR image showing nserting sella with an elonga tec infundibu um rona CT i ...